De-Nile is a River in Minnesota and My Heart
August 3rd, 2010

Brett Favre came out of denial about the game of football and I came out of denial with my "relationship" ha!
Today I woke up and saw that Brett Favre was done. Finito. Gone. Retiring. Brett Favre came out of denial and realized he could no longer play football at an elite level and I also came out of denial. I came out of denial and realized that my status as the kinda-sorta maybe could be his girlfriend one day was never going to change. I could never BE with this man because… well if I knew that I wouldn’t be writing this post eating cookies with tears and snots coming down my face while listening to sad Beyonce songs (YOU HAD ME ATTT HELLOOO! HELLOOO!)
I also found out that week that I was the back up quarterback. Now, I know Im built to shine and while my game is a little unorthodox, I get the job done. So why was I being replaced? I mulled over it for a week. I discussed my current team situation with other teammates over drinks and manicures. Then I finally lifted off my helmet, my mask, shed plenty of tears and lots of snots and I handed in my letter of resignation. I was a bit classier than Favre, instead of a text I sent an email. (Hey! We live in the digital age, sue me.)
It hurt. It still hurts. Stings. But I was in denial. In denial that I was the only quarterback. And that my commitment to the team wasn’t that serious. When really, I was probably a month away from tattooing the team logo on my bicep. I was in denial. I wasn’t even really on the team. I was in this eternal tryout. And coach knew that. He just had me running drills for the fun of it. I had fantastic agility, speed, and awareness but it just wasn’t enough. I was also young, moldable able to be loyal to the team and not go ring/money chasing. Truth is nothing would have ever been enough for this coach. But I didn’t want to believe that. Denial is real… I feel you Favre.
This wasn’t the only thing I have been in denial about lately. I was in denial that I was being taken advatage of by some people extremly close to me. I was in denial that a strange man had been driving my car around without my permission. It took the police showing up in my driveway and me wanting to clothesline someone to realize I was in danger. Denial was a state I lived in, actually I was the friggin mayor.
NOT ANYMORE! Nah UH! My new game plan is to see folks and situations for what they really are. When that winner’s intuition (yes not women’s but winner’s because that’s what I am. A WINNER) kicks in I’m going to listen to it from jump. People and situations often show you who they are at first sight. But then you try to mold them into what you want or mold the situation into something that doesn’t seem so crazy. And all the while you are looking like boo boo the fool. So to take a line from Arizona Cardinals Head Coach Dennis Green “They are who we thought they were!”
Folks are exactly who you think they are. Don’t second guess your gut. Don’t sit there and wait for all the facts because A) all the facts will never be there for you. No one is ever going to show you their whole playbook. B) What’s the worst that could happen if you jump before you have the facts? You’re wrong? You’re going to feel even more stupid if you sit around and get dooped.
Remember when it comes to those shady folks hanging around you that you don’t quiet trust, or that coach who doesn’t acknowldege your skill while every other team thinks you’re a first round pick, quit them.
Take the inititiative to hand in your letter (text or email) of resignation, and move on to greener pastures where you can cultivate yourself as a player. You can lick your wounds and come back even stronger.
I know you didn’t you could quit all together? Favre ain’t no quitter, he will probably retire and return two times before I post this. And I’m no quitter either. If you didn’t know, I suggest you ask somebody.
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