Tiger Sexting = Great Time Management
March 19th, 2010
I’ve taken a day to let the Tiger Texts simmer. And all I’ve grasped from it is, Tiger is just a man with a nice libido (although the golden shower I have no words for. That’s just nasty) and impeccable time management. Yes, time management is the lesson I gathered from the whole fiasco.
Tiger was on top of the golf world holding down numerous sponsorships, in and out of hotel rooms in the wee hours of the morning and still found time to lay the pipe and hold lengthy ass text message conversations. (Note: I’m a fan of flirty text messages. Call me anti-social if ya like. I like to say I’m more literary).
If you look at some of the text messages he was up at the crack of dawn with an early tee time the next morning. Some folks need 8 hours+ of sleep just to stock shelves at the local supermarket but not Tiger. Tiger can kick your ass and take your girl on just 3 hours of sleep and a Red Bull.
If Tiger can cheat with his ridiculously busy schedule then ladies know this…any man can cheat. I don’t care if your man works two full-time jobs and interns at the 24-hr barber school. He will find a way to lay it down at the Burger King in between cuts. Trust.
On the flip side, if your man does have all these jobs and claims he loves or even kinda likes you then he should still find time to give you that special attention.
With all that said, El Tigre is still the world’s greatest golfer and is not going to let a couple of Waffle House waitresses, porn stars and intruding photographers keep him from dominating on the links. This is what he does. Tiger a.k.a. The Masters Master.
And I’m gone.
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