My Sports Bucket List

August 14th, 2010

As I watched the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame induction tonight I thought “Man I’d give my first born child to be there”. Here are some other sporting events that would be worth my seed (sorry unborn child. I’ll visit you on weekends though)

(no particular order)

1. Snow game Lambeau Field

2. Fenway Park

3. The New Yankee Stadium.

3. NBA Draft

4. NBA Hall of Fame induction

5. NBA Finals

6. Negro League Hall of Fame

7. French Lick, Indiana, Larry Bird’s old town. (as long as the KKK are on break or summin)

8. Dyckman Courts

9. USA World Cup Match

10. A Superbowl (not in NY. It’s my hometown but that ‘ish is too cold)

11. The new Basketball Hall of Fame. (been to the old one)

12. The United Center

13. The Field of Dreams field

14. An Iron Man. But I want to be in it!

15. Want to be in the NYC Marathon also

To Be Continued….



5 Responses to “My Sports Bucket List”

  1. Alfred Epps Says:

    #2 is fenway park ComeOnSon……

  2. admin Says:

    You will be mad to know I never went to the old Yankee Stadium either. I feel like less of a New Yorker because of it. I just added the New Yankee stadium to the list though.

  3. Zuri Says:

    I’m not feeling No. 2 either. Or No. 1. But I can at least understand No. 1. I mean, what other reason would you have to be in Wisconsin? Real talk.

  4. Adena Andrews Says:

    Why you not feeling number two. You are in bawstin kid.

  5. Tom Walsh Says:

    Adena: Interesting List. Check out The Ultimate Sports List at and you can track your list there and see how you rate versus others based on the events/venues you have attended.

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